You go for it because of the heart. Only the heart, that’s the only part you are interested in. When you get it, finally, you realize it is attached to a body. The stuff you are after is only a tiny part of a significant whole … But you don’t get it like that – not if you want it alive and beating that is. It is either the living whole or a small separate part, which is dead.
Life is…at the tip of the ice berg. Real life, that is - the meat, the essence, the throb. Like the rocket. A huge body is made, used, sacrificed for the tip… This seems to be the sacred principle… You only really eat the fruit of a tree – that’s a very small part of a tree. And then you don’t always eat the whole fruit there’s some part you always throw away. For one song that resonates with your soul you’ve got to buy the entire CD! That’s how it is.
The web of life is such that to live and thrive things have to be connected. The handsome, charming hunk you wanted to marry and have all for yourself is handsome and charming because of the not-so-charming mother in law or his pestering relatives. The seemingly individual and independent personality is so because of a number of forces that shape him/her/it. It’s a complete package no matter how selective we want to be. The ivory you love so much is connected…oops! to the elephant!!
The same is true of time… it is those magic moments that one longs for. In modern terminology it is called ‘quality time’. The key transforming or touching moments are few and far in between. As a teacher I took up this profession pure because I wanted to experience the transformation and growth in young minds. Moments of serendipity. When you find wonder in their eyes, or a search…Of course, reality is often learnt the hard way. So, I realized that moments of serendipity were obtained at the cost of long drawn, dead, boring, superfluously mundane tasks, like registers which people rarely saw, painful lesson plans, done to death syllabi, reports written over and over again….‘tell me not in mournful numbers life’s but an empty dream.’ Tough, that!
…Why is this intensity of experience a rare phenomenon, brief and transient?? Is it the way of life? High tides are the exception and not the norm.
Harvinder Kaur
Love this.We offer so much to our dreams. Only to later realise that the root is much deeper and leads to territories we'd rather not enter! But sometimes jack-in-boxes can be good too. (I personally detest them, but have learnt with time that they can (be good too))