Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dream away...

The mind seeks pleasure, not reality or Truth. Early morning, on the precarious edge of waking and sleeping, I’m lost to a lovely dream. The mind conjures in the realm of imagination sweet scenes that may never concretize into reality – an award, a moment of glory, a palatial pleasure  house, a grand sense intoxicating feast of tastes and smells, a walk along the beach with wind wooing like a lover, an embrace – all made of dream stuff…whither reality?

My eyes open wistfully to the morning light through the window, morning sounds, sounds children getting ready for school at a distance, neighbour’s music, mist… the bare chill of reality.

I close my eyes again to lose myself in the enticing castle of my fecund imagination. It’s not there – even as I imagine, I know it. But the pull of such sweet falsehood is strong. I open my eyes – reality, bare and uninviting; eyes closed – unreality intoxicating, beckoning; open, close; bare, sweet; reality, unreality;

What should I choose? Should I wrench my heart away from a sweet dream and slap a toothbrush into my mouth to taste the tangy reality?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous22.9.11

    Accept Who and What you are...
    Just Be, don't try to become...
    Its in reality that dreams begin and not the other way round!
