Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Specifics are sacred

Specifics are sacred. It is through these that the divine takes a form.  Forms are to be respected, as the whole journey of the earth has been to reach that form. A looking down upon approach on the manifest form will not do. It is a denial of the cosmic unfolding. So, specifics are important, sometimes they can be hard because it is at this stage that the blocks are more concentrated and hard to melt. But when all the specific and individual forces that are meant to connect are open, great beginnings can happen. Yet, if one or two of those who are supposed to be involved are blocked the others too will face a problem, because the alchemy of manifestation is about the confluence and melting of various forces. Help people in dissolving blocks with love, if and wherever possible. When a block is melted in one person, it opens channels for many people.

‘Spiritual forces’ can help up to a point, the rest is really about free choices of the individuals concerned. 

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