Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friendship at any age

Colder Older


  1. Anonymous18.7.09

    a frofound exposition of vacuum increasing in our lives.zarrra tavazo chahoongi berang our feeke hote bachpan par agli blog mein.

  2. Umm... thanks for your comment. Tavazoh zaroor milegi...

  3. wow.. I cried.. i read your blog for the first time and loved it!

  4. Anonymous19.7.09

    Ma'am articles written by you are really mindblowing and thought provoking, few of them really touched my heart.

    I would like to understand whether'faith' is another word for 'belief' and detachment in spirituality means to be away from loved ones?


  5. Thanks for visiting Smitha... faith is generally referred to as a more intense form of belief. Detachment, if you ask me, is the ability to be emotionally independent - not cold. You DO FEEL, but you are not a slave of anyone's presence. You shouldn't kill yourself or get into a depression because someone isn't in your life - but WITHOUT losing your sensitivity. Otherwise you're not detached, just stone hearted.

  6. Anonymous20.7.09

    Hi Harry
    its great to open up theses articles and take a sip of freshness. Whenever i need some energy i know where to look for. THANKS

  7. Anonymous12.5.10

    It was very nice to read it...
    Yes, most people do harden their hearts and just fail to trust people. But i feel that scepticism has a valid reason, a knowledge that in any relationship with another person, there is some "interest"- be it physical, emotional or even habitual...and a feeling of being "used". And as the Upanishad says - "thou lovest not thy wife for her sake...but for thy own sake". Rare to find a truly soulful connection.

  8. Thanks for visiting and for your views Kaushal! I feel there is some difference between a cold, mercenary interest in people to exclusively "benefit" from them and an understanding that life is essentially give and take. An openness of heart does not imply being unrealistic and writing off a mutual exchange, but the quality of exchange is different. It's a subtle difference in attitude, in the latter, there is gentle, graceful understanding and acceptance of the other, instead of a tug of war, or defense mechanism.
