I don’t really have to do anything special to be happy – only let my energy be freed from the illusion of pain. This is not to say that life is a rosy path, but we need to distinguish between real problems and imaginary problems. The real problem calls for action, the imaginary one doesn’t and is often limited to “what if..” or “I bet my boss will fire me..” “They gossip about me…”. If you can do something about a problem to solve it – good, otherwise what’s the point of worrying? It’s like being in a train and hoping it will go faster, with the acidic anxiety of being late for work churning the stomach. RELAX! No amount of worrying will make the train go faster!! Either make sure you catch the right train at the right time, or accept being late calmly. Otherwise this is useless anxiety and the mind needs to be taught to let it drop. It is essential that we distinguish between real problems and anticipated worries. While we should be prepared for the worst
(life is unpredictable) this shouldn’t be confused with an obsession with possible disasters in the future. After doing what we can… let go…there lies happiness.
In training the mind for this, sometimes some concentration or meditation techniques help, or perhaps being in natural’s glory, or listening to or playing music or simply not being with incorrigible anxiety addicted people. I always find that when I listen to certain kinds of music the outside world falls… it’s almost like a fountain of joy that rises in your spine and flows all over. Happiness is a natural state, it does not require any learning technique, but perhaps we have to unlearn ways to be unhappy! In quelling the mind’s leap to mirages of pain you find the path to happiness.
- Harvinder Kaur
I had just read the first sentence of this in facebk and reacted but after reading this entire article I do get the point.I absolutely agree with this thought but just the line that was posted on fb may be true for saints but for ordinary people I cant say it is normal.Permit me to offer my views on this subject.A mind with no thoughts desires ambitions would be a mind of either some one who has everything like a rich Saudi prince and trust me that society is in a state of the worst kind of decay that is possible.The other reason why a mind would be as void as u have suggested is because it has lost all hope and is in a state of depression.
ReplyDeletewonderful and absolute, i share and agree every single thought on the subject...keep writing on it!